4 Day Survival Skills Program 2024-01-23T14:52:46+00:00

4-Day Jungle Survival Skills Training Program in the Amazon Rainforest, Peru

Embark on the Ultimate Amazon Jungle Survival Adventure with Edgar Mohena

Are you ready to test your mettle in the heart of the Amazon rainforest? Welcome to Amazon Jungle Survival Tours, where adventure and education blend seamlessly under the expert guidance of Edgar Mohena, a seasoned jungle survival specialist. Located in the vibrant city of Iquitos, Peru, our immersive 4-day Jungle Survival Experience promises a journey like no other.

Imagine yourself deep in the lush, untamed wilderness of the Tamshiyacu Yanayacu Reserve, surrounded by the symphony of the rainforest. This is where you’ll unlock the secrets of survival, harnessing skills that have been passed down through generations.

Over four intense and exhilarating days, you’ll learn to build shelters that protect against the elements, find drinkable water sources hidden in the forest’s bounty, and master the art of using a machete—a tool as vital as it is versatile. You’ll discover the art of crafting animal traps, fashioning rafts to navigate the winding waterways, and honing your fishing skills to secure your sustenance.

But survival isn’t just about physical prowess. You’ll delve into the ancient wisdom of starting fires and preparing food in the heart of the world’s largest tropical rainforest. Edgar Mohena, with his wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge, will guide you every step of the way.

Are you prepared to step out of your comfort zone and into a world where self-reliance is key? Join us for a transformative adventure that will leave you not only with a sense of accomplishment but a profound connection to the wild. This is your chance to experience the Amazon like never before—raw, challenging, and utterly unforgettable.

$560 per person

Book This Trip

Day 1ː

Arrive in Iquitos and be transported to Nauta. From Nauta, you will travel by boat for approximately 5 hours and arrive in the Tamshiyacu Yanayacu Reserve. That night, you will stay in a basecamp.

Day 2ː

After breakfast, you will pack your bags and begin your hike to Yarina Lake, enjoying a 3-hour hike and tour through the Amazon jungle. On this hike, you will see various types of monkeys, birds, snakes, and various other local creatures. Along the way, your guide will show you how to locate drinkable water in native vines. In addition, your guide will locate and describe many medicinal plants and their uses.

When you arrive at the lake, you will continue your learning experience by foraging for food.

Afterward, the local guide will teach you to build your own natural weapons, such as spears, harpoons, and blowguns so that you can hunt and catch your food. (You will camp for 2 days at the Lake and will continue your learning experience.)

Day 3ː

Enjoy another day of learning survival skills with your guide. Camp overnight at Lake Yarina.

Day 4ː

Wake up at Lake Yarina and enjoy breakfast.

After breakfast, we’ll begin our trek back to the basecamp.

Your boat will be waiting to take you back to Nauta. From there, you will then be transported to Iquitos.

What You Will Learn

Learn to survive in one of the largest and remote rivers of the world, the Amazon Rainforest, just using the skills and wisdom of our experienced native tourist guides.

Here are some jungle survival techniques you will learn:

° Recognize an area if it has all the facilities for survival.

° Select site, soil, and drainage aspects.

° Look carefully at the wood you will use to build a shelter.

° How to use Yarina palm tree (Phitelephas tenuicaulis) fronds to rainproof.

° Making a fire on wet ground.

° Recognition of wood.

  • The wood must be very dry interior even when waterlogged by rainforest humidity; use capal tree resin as a fire starter.

° Learn to obtain pure, healthy water within the jungle.

  • Using cat’s claw wood (Uncaria tormentosa).
  • Unripe Yarina palm tree fruits (Phytelephas tenuicaulis).

° Sources of food.

  • Palm heart tree, palm fruits, beetle grubs.
  • Using barbasco bark tree (Lonchocarpus species) to stun fish.
  • Canabrava (Gynerium sagittatum) to build bird traps or fish traps; the wood works for both techniques; tamshi vine (Carludovica devergens) to make animal snares and also to weave nice baskets to carry fruits inside.

° Learn to build a raft.

  • Recognition of balsa wood, tamshi vine, tied together and floated down the stream using long pieces of wood as oars.

° Getting natural jungle repellents.

  • Ayahuma fruits (Couroupita guianensis) to protect from mosquito bites.
  • Ajos sacha sap tree (Mansoa alliacea).
  • Termites (Isoptera).

° Learning to make natural weapons from the jungle.

  • Spear fishing/using a piece of cumaceba tree (Cesolpina echinata).
  • Blowgun/using a piece of cashapona (Iriarte exorrhiza).
  • Bow/using a piece of huacrapona (Socratea exorrhiza).
  • Getting string from chambira palm tree (Astrocaryum chambira) for fishing on the creek.
  • Making arrowshafts from bamboo and arrowheads from cumaceba tree.

° Finding natural medicine to survive in case of some venomous snakebite or venomous insect bite.

  • For snakebite/piripiri leaves (Cyperus articulatus).
  • For venomous insects/curanina bark (Potalia amara).
  • For fever/sanango root (Sanango durum).
  • Antiparasitical/oje sap (Ficus antihelmintica).
  • Gastrointestinal distress/hierba luisa leaves (Cymbopogon citratus).
  • Disinfect foot fungus/pichirina sap (Vismia angusta), etc.

Survival Skills

Here are some of the jungle survival skills I can teach.


Below are some of the activities you can do on this trip.

Book This Trip

star rating  What can I say other than "fantastic"? Edgar went above and beyond as a guide, he is a complete professional showing off his intimate knowledge of the rainforest, while also... read more

avatar thumb Austin P
December 24, 2022

star rating  We were on a 3 days trip. Edgar was our guide. The trip was planned well. We did piranhas fishing, boat trip all over the Amazonas river. The food they... read more

Sophie Kaufman
May 1, 2020

star rating  The best tour guide you might ever get. A wonderful experience in the jungle. I chose a five days activity, still want to go back.

June 28, 2021

star rating  My girlfriend and I had an excellent time in the Amazon with Edgar. We traveled from Lima to Iquitos, and Edgar was waiting for us as soon as we arrived.... read more

October 20, 2019

star rating  We arrived on a trip to Amazon 3 friends and got us Edgar the guide. From the first moment he gave us personal and professional treatment! We had... read more

Oz E
January 1, 1970

star rating  Edgar is a really special tour guide. Since he grew up in the Amazonas, he knows everything about the animals and plants in the jungle. I really liked that Edgar... read more

May 13, 2022

star rating  Going into the Amazon is one of my all-time favorite travel experiences. This isn’t some touristy gimmick, it’s the real deal! We got to get deep into the actual Amazon,... read more

avatar thumb T655CUrachelb
December 17, 2022

star rating  My Friend and me had an excellent experience in the peruvian jungle with our very nice guide edgar! It was really fun, the group wasnt too big and the guides... read more

Daniel V
May 1, 2020

star rating  Both my partner and myself stayed in the Amazon with Edgar. We had an absolutely amazing experience. Edgar has a wealth of knowledge about all types of flora and fauna... read more

January 27, 2020