8 Day Survival Skills Program 2024-01-23T14:52:17+00:00

8-Day Jungle Survival Skills Training Program in the Amazon Rainforest, Peru

An Unforgettable Amazon Jungle Survival Experience with Edgar Mohena

Welcome to Amazon Jungle Survival Tours, where we invite you to embark on an unforgettable 8-day Amazon Jungle Survival Expedition. Under the expert guidance of jungle survival specialist Edgar Mohena, this extended adventure will immerse you in the rich tapestry of the Tamshiyacu Yanayacu Reserve, a remote and pristine region within the Amazon rainforest.

Imagine the sheer exhilaration of navigating the labyrinthine waterways, the vivid calls of exotic birds echoing through the trees, and the gentle lull of the river as you drift along. This expedition is not just a journey; it’s an opportunity to tap into your primal instincts and embrace the wilderness as your classroom.

You’ll learn to build shelters that protect against the elements, identify sources of drinkable water hidden amidst the lush foliage, and master the versatile machete—an indispensable tool in the jungle. The art of crafting animal traps, constructing rafts for river exploration, and honing your fishing skills will become second nature.

Your ability to kindle fires using the forest’s resources and prepare nourishing meals sourced from the jungle’s bounty will ensure your comfort and survival.

This 8-day expedition is an immersive and transformative experience, offering not only the skills necessary to thrive in the Amazon but also a profound connection to the natural world. It’s a chance to discover the explorer within and to leave the jungle not as a tourist but as a survivor. Join us at Amazon Jungle Survival Tours for an adventure that will test your limits and reveal the wild within.

$1040 per person

Book This Trip

Day 1ː

Arrive in Iquitos and be transported to Nauta. From Nauta, you will travel by boat for approximately 5 hours and arrive in the Tamshiacu Yanayacu Reserve. That night, you will stay in a basecamp.

Day 2ː

After breakfast, you will pack your bags and begin your hike to Yarina Lake, enjoying a 3-hour hike and tour through the Amazon jungle. On this hike, you will see various types of monkeys, birds, snakes, and various other local creatures. Along the way, your guide will show you how to locate drinkable water in native vines. In addition, your guide will locate and describe many medicinal plants and their uses.

When you arrive at the lake, you will continue your learning experience by foraging for food.

Afterward, the local guide will teach you to build your own natural weapons, such as spears, harpoons, and blowguns so that you can hunt and catch your food. (You will camp for 2 days at the Lake and will continue your learning experience.)

Day 3ː

Enjoy another day of learning survival skills with your guide. Camp overnight at Lake Yarina.

Day 4ː

Wake up at Lake Yarina and enjoy breakfast in the peaceful nature. After, your guide will help you find balsa wood to build a raft for crossing the lake. After building your raft, you can enjoy fishing and paddling around the lake. After, you will cross the lake and continue on with your adventure. On the other side of the lake, you will build and set up camp for the night.

Day 5ː

After breakfast, enjoy exploring the diverse foliage of the jungle as you continue to your next destination on a 4 hour hike through the Amazon to the Tahuayo River. At the river, enjoy camping in this unique, secluded part of the forest.

Day 6ː

Wake up refreshed at the beautiful Tahuayo River. After, you will explore the surrounding area with your guide or choose to relax and spend your time at your leisure. At night, you will cook food and camp next to the river.

Day 7ː

After waking up from your second night at the Tahuayo River, you will begin your journey back through the Amazon and once again camp at Lake Yarina. Throughout the day, you will continue learning about medicinal plants, native animals, and indigenous survival skills.

Day 8ː

Wake up at Lake Yarina and enjoy breakfast.

After breakfast, we’ll begin our trek back to the basecamp.

Your boat will be waiting to take you back to Nauta. From there, you will then be transported to Iquitos.

What You Will Learn

Learn to survive in one of the largest and remote rivers of the world, the Amazon Rainforest, just using the skills and wisdom of our experienced native tourist guides.

Here are some jungle survival techniques you will learn:

° Recognize an area if it has all the facilities for survival.

° Select site, soil, and drainage aspects.

° Look carefully at the wood you will use to build a shelter.

° How to use Yarina palm tree (Phitelephas tenuicaulis) fronds to rainproof.

° Making a fire on wet ground.

° Recognition of wood.

  • The wood must be very dry interior even when waterlogged by rainforest humidity; use capal tree resin as a fire starter.

° Learn to obtain pure, healthy water within the jungle.

  • Using cat’s claw wood (Uncaria tormentosa).
  • Unripe Yarina palm tree fruits (Phytelephas tenuicaulis).

° Sources of food.

  • Palm heart tree, palm fruits, beetle grubs.
  • Using barbasco bark tree (Lonchocarpus species) to stun fish.
  • Canabrava (Gynerium sagittatum) to build bird traps or fish traps; the wood works for both techniques; tamshi vine (Carludovica devergens) to make animal snares and also to weave nice baskets to carry fruits inside.

° Learn to build a raft.

  • Recognition of balsa wood, tamshi vine, tied together and floated down the stream using long pieces of wood as oars.

° Getting natural jungle repellents.

  • Ayahuma fruits (Couroupita guianensis) to protect from mosquito bites.
  • Ajos sacha sap tree (Mansoa alliacea).
  • Termites (Isoptera).

° Learning to make natural weapons from the jungle.

  • Spear fishing/using a piece of cumaceba tree (Cesolpina echinata).
  • Blowgun/using a piece of cashapona (Iriarte exorrhiza).
  • Bow/using a piece of huacrapona (Socratea exorrhiza).
  • Getting string from chambira palm tree (Astrocaryum chambira) for fishing on the creek.
  • Making arrowshafts from bamboo and arrowheads from cumaceba tree.

° Finding natural medicine to survive in case of some venomous snakebite or venomous insect bite.

  • For snakebite/piripiri leaves (Cyperus articulatus).
  • For venomous insects/curanina bark (Potalia amara).
  • For fever/sanango root (Sanango durum).
  • Antiparasitical/oje sap (Ficus antihelmintica).
  • Gastrointestinal distress/hierba luisa leaves (Cymbopogon citratus).
  • Disinfect foot fungus/pichirina sap (Vismia angusta), etc.

Survival Skills

Here are some of the jungle survival skills I can teach.


Below are some of the activities you can do on this trip.

Book This Trip

star rating  The best tour guide you might ever get. A wonderful experience in the jungle. I chose a five days activity, still want to go back.

June 28, 2021

star rating  Had such a great time exploring the Amazon river and its tributaries. Saw a ton of wildlife from caiman, sloths, river dolphins, capybaras, to tons of different birds including prehistoric... read more

avatar thumb 821todda
October 21, 2022

star rating  Edgar is an open-minded and very communicative guide with huge natural knowledge. I recommend Amazon Jungle Survival!

April 1, 2020

star rating  We were on a 3 days trip. Edgar was our guide. The trip was planned well. We did piranhas fishing, boat trip all over the Amazonas river. The food they... read more

May 16, 2020

star rating  A very nice place to stay in the jungle. Comfort and relaxing. Edgar is a very thoughtful host, highly recommended in every perspective.

February 13, 2020

star rating  My Friend and me had an excellent experience in the peruvian jungle with our very nice guide edgar! It was really fun, the group wasnt too big and the guides... read more

Daniel V
May 1, 2020

star rating  Both my partner and myself stayed in the Amazon with Edgar. We had an absolutely amazing experience. Edgar has a wealth of knowledge about all types of flora and fauna... read more

January 27, 2020

star rating  We had a fantastic time with Edgar in the Amazon! He was very knowledgeable, he knows the river and he knows the jungle. We felt very safe and... read more

December 5, 2019

star rating  Edgar was our tour guide during a 4-day trip to Pacaya Samiria which we booked via AmazonExperience. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and we would highly recommend Edgar to anyone... read more

January 1, 2020